Helpful information, in stereo
Happy December! How quickly the year is passing already. It feels like every time I blink, another week has gone. The philosopher A. C. Grayling once told me that we only get 1,000 months on this Earth: so missing a whole one is a big chunk of your life. A timely reminder to try and practice mindfulness and live in the moment.
I hope you are enjoying these blog posts so far. Perhaps some of the topics feel a little random. This is true. The blog does not come with the same structure of our books; it alternatives from topic to topic based on what I am thinking about at the time. So far, many people seem to be finding it helpful. I am a bit of a stats junkie and I have been looking at the numbers. Two in three people actually read our blog posts when they click on them. This is unusually high on the internet, where everyone has a short attention span.
But audio is not for everyone. We all learn differently. Some of us like to read, some of us like to listen.
Which is why I am excited to announce the launch of the Worfolk Anxiety Podcast. It will run alongside the blog, covering much of the same content. However, instead of having to read my dubious prose, you can listen to my not-a-voice-for-radio tones instead. We even have some cool music on there, because I, like a lot of people, love music.
The best bit it, it's already available. We have the first three episodes online for you to listen to right now. You can keep up-to-date with future episodes by subscribing on your preferred medium: we are on iTunes, Stitcher, and you can use the "subscribe on Android" to trigger any one of a dozen Android podcast applications you may have installed. Or you can use the feed, or simply listen online.
I am really excited about connecting with you through the podcast. As time goes on, it will continue to get better. For example, we know we can get the audio quality higher and that is not up on our priority list. I would love your feedback on it: drop me an email and let me know what you think.
Published 1 December 2016. Written by Chris Worfolk.